
This article describes the steps required to update EntraCP in your SharePoint farm.

Download the required assets

Browse to the latest release and download the assets assembly-bindings.config and EntraCP.wsp.

Update the assembly bindings


Each new release of EntraCP may have unique assembly bindings, depending on the updates made on the dependencies it is using.

Complete the steps below on all the SharePoint servers:

  1. Browse to the latest release and download the assets assembly-bindings.config and EntraCP.wsp.
  2. Open the machine.config file (%systemroot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Config\Machine.config) and locate the XML node <runtime>.
  3. If needed, update the machine.config to reflect the changes in assembly-bindings.config.

Update the solution

Complete the steps below on the server running the central administration:

  1. On the server running the central administration, start a new SharePoint management shell and run this command:

    # This will start a timer job that will deploy the update on SharePoint servers. Central administration will restart during the process
    Update-SPSolution -GACDeployment -Identity "EntraCP.wsp" -LiteralPath "C:\YvanData\EntraCP.wsp"
  2. Visit central administration > System Settings > Manage farm solutions: Wait until solution status shows “Deployed”.


    Be patient, cmdlet Update-SPSolution triggers a one-time timer job on the SharePoint servers and this may take a minute or 2.

    If status shows “Error”, restart the SharePoint timer service on the servers where the depployment failed, start a new PowerShell process and run Update-SPSolution again.

Finalize the installation

On each SharePoint server, restart the IIS and the SharePoint timer services:

Restart-Service -Name @("W3SVC", "SPTimerV4")