For developers

When AzureCP may need to be customized

Project has evolved a lot since it started, and now most of the customizations can be made out of the box.
However, there are still some scenarios where a developer may want to customize AzureCP:

  • Use AzureCP with multiple SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer.
  • Have full control on the entities (permissions) created by AzureCP.

How to proceed

For that, the class AzureCP can be inherited to create a class that will be a new, unique claims provider in SharePoint.
Each release comes with a Visual Studio sample project “”. It contains several sample classes that demonstrate various customizations capabilities.

Things to know

  • Each class inheriting AzureCP is a new claims provider, uniquely defined by the name of its class.
  • Sample project has 1 feature event receiver, and it can manage only 1 claims provider.
  • Both AzureCP.wsp and the custom version need azurecp.dll and all its dependent assemblies. Be aware that updating / removing one package will affect these assemblies (also used by the other package).
  • To avoid deployment issues, always deactivate the farm feature (which manages the claims provider) before retracting the solution.

If something goes wrong during solution deployment, check this page to resolve problems.