Configure the credentials

EntraCP connects to your Entra ID tenant using the credentials defined in the app registration you registered, and supports using either a client secret or a client certificate.


Add a new tenant

The tenant can be added from the EntraCP global configuration page in the central administration, or using PowerShell:

Add-Type -AssemblyName "Yvand.EntraCP, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=65dc6b5903b51636"
$config = [Yvand.EntraClaimsProvider.EntraCP]::GetConfiguration()
$settings = $config.Settings

# Add a tenant using a client secret
$tenant = New-Object "Yvand.EntraClaimsProvider.Configuration.EntraIDTenant"
$tenant.Name = ""
$tenant.SetCredentials("clientId", "clientSecret")
$config.ApplySettings($settings, $true)

# Add a tenant using a client certificate
$tenant = New-Object "Yvand.EntraClaimsProvider.Configuration.EntraIDTenant"
$tenant.Name = ""
$certificateFilePath = "pfxCertificateFilePath"
$certificatePassword = "pfxCertificatePassword"
$tenant.SetCredentials("clientId", $certificateFilePath, $certificatePassword)
$config.ApplySettings($settings, $true)

# Commit the configuration to the database

Update the credentials of a tenant

The EntraCP administration pages do not have a direct way to update the credentials, but it can be done by deleteding and re-adding the tenant with the new credentials.
However, this can be achieved using PowerShell:

Set a new client secret

Add-Type -AssemblyName "Yvand.EntraCP, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=65dc6b5903b51636"
$config = [Yvand.EntraClaimsProvider.EntraCP]::GetConfiguration()
$config.UpdateTenantCredentials("tenantNameToUpdate", "newClientSecret")

Set a new client certificate

Add-Type -AssemblyName "Yvand.EntraCP, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=65dc6b5903b51636"
$config = [Yvand.EntraClaimsProvider.EntraCP]::GetConfiguration()
$newCertificatePath = "C:\YvanData\config\certs\azurecp.aadcert.pfx"
$newCertificatePassword = "certicicatePassword"
$config.UpdateTenantCredentials("tenantNameToUpdate", $newCertificatePath, $newCertificatePassword)